Events Calendar
2024-2025 Upcoming Events
Spanport Symposium

February 14th at 9am
Contesting Violence(s)
Joseph W. Jones Room, Woodruff Library
Visit the Department of Spanish & Portuguese for more information.
LALXS Workshop

February 21st at 11:45am
Beyond Cruel Optimism: Negative Affect and the Undocumented Everyday
Seminar Room, Fox Center for Humanistic Inquiry
Email rjruben@emory.edu to RSVP.
Learn more about the LALXS (Interdisciplinary Latin American and Latinx Studies Workshop) here.
Tenenbaum Lecture

February 27th at 7pm
Israel and the Holocaust: Changing Landscapes of Memory
Ackerman Hall, Carlos Museum
Visit the Tam Institute for Jewish Studies for more information.
Keyword Lecture

March 5th at 4pm
Madness: Psychiatry and Civil Rights in Jim Crow South
Jones Room, Woodruff Library
LALXS Workshop

March 28th at 11:45am
Listening and Translating in Asylum Interviews with Minors
Seminar Room, Fox Center for Humanistic Inquiry
Email rjruben@emory.edu to RSVP.
Learn more about the LALXS (Interdisciplinary Latin American and Latinx Studies Workshop) here.
LALXS Workshop

April 18th at 11:45am
The History and Uses of 'Global South' in Latin Americanist Scholarship
Seminar Room, Fox Center for Humanistic Inquiry
Email rjruben@emory.edu to RSVP.
Learn more about the LALXS (Interdisciplinary Latin American and Latinx Studies Workshop) here.
LALXS Workshop

April 25th at 11:45am
Latinx / LatAm Round-Table
Seminar Room, Fox Center for Humanistic Inquiry
Email rjruben@emory.edu to RSVP.
Learn more about the LALXS (Interdisciplinary Latin American and Latinx Studies Workshop) here.
2024-2025 Past Events
LALXS Workshop

January 31st at 11:45am
Oaxacan History
Seminar Room, Fox Center for Humanistic Inquiry
Email rjruben@emory.edu to RSVP.
Learn more about the LALXS (Interdisciplinary Latin American and Latinx Studies Workshop) here.
Seminar Series

January 27 at 4pm
Winter in America: Notes on the Academy and Autocracy with Dr. Jelani Cobb
White Hall, Room 101.
For further information, please email Hugo Hansen at hugo.hansen@emory.edu.
Emory King Week

January 22 at 4pm
Is there a Beloved Community in America's Future? with Dr. Mary Frances Berry
Convocation Hall, Room 210.
Visit the Department of African American Studies for more information.
** Co-sponsored by the Fox Center.
Faculty Book Launch

December 4th at 4:30pm
The Innermost House: A Memoir by Cynthia Blakeley
Psychology and Interdisciplinary Sciences Building, Lecture Hall 209
Faculty Book Launch

November 12th at 4pm
Enslaved Archives: Slavery, Law, and the Production of the Past by Maria R. Montalvo
Jones Room, Robert W. Woodruff Library, Emory University
Seminar Series

October 30th at 10am
Campus Speech About Jews After October 7
Callaway N204, Emory University
Please contact the Tam Institute for Jewish Studies for more information.
Public Lecture

October 29th at 7pm
Campus Speech About Jews After October 7
Ackerman Hall, Michael C. Carlos Museum, Emory University
Please contact the Tam Institute for Jewish Studies for more information.
Special Panel

The Fight to Vote: The Past, Present and Future of Voting Rights in America
October 23rd at 6pm
Ackerman Hall, Michael C. Carlos Museum, Emory University
Seminar Series

October 21st at 4pm
Student Protest Movements and Campus Firestorms: 1960s, 1980s, and 2024
White Hall 111, Emory University
For further information, please email Hugo Hansen at hugo.hansen@emory.edu.
Faculty Book Launch

October 8th at 4pm
Vagabond Princess: The Great Adventures of Gulbadan by Ruby Lal
Seminar Room, Fox Center for Humanistic Inquiry
Keynote Lecture